Let’s All Do Our Part to Stay Healthy, Happy and Hopeful!

You can do your part to help by staying HEALTHY, HAPPY & HOPEFUL! Together, we can help keep our community safe by staying home if you’re sick, wear a face covering such as a mask or face shield, wash and sanitize your hands, and keep a 6 ft. social distance from others!

You can do your part to help by staying HEALTHY, HAPPY & HOPEFUL! Together, we can help keep our community safe by staying home if you’re sick, wear a face covering such as a mask or face shield, wash and sanitize your hands, and keep a 6 ft. social distance from others!

One thought on “Let’s All Do Our Part to Stay Healthy, Happy and Hopeful!”

  1. Went to Fresno Fair Drive Through yesterday. Shocked that a number of people working the fair did not have masks or wearing them incorrectly with nose exposed. This included workers who took orders and were very close face to face with customers in cars. Fresno Fair, please practice what you preach and really keep everyone safe! Hope the Fair doesn’t turnout to a super spreader event.

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